Three EuroPhone Banking call centre representatives discuss the benefits arising from the opportunity to stay in their hometowns, the adversities they were facing before being recruited and their plans for the future.

Stella Palapoidou-Vlachothanasi (Orestiada)

As a remote employee in Orestiada, the most important thing is that I am close to my family for whatever they may need, especially for the children. And my children feel that they have me by their side.

Despoina Papazoglidou (Orestiada)

This job is a great opportunity and a very fresh start for me. It was a reason for me to envision a future in Orestiada and to remain in my hometown.

Giorgos Tourliadis (Alexandroupoli)

The job openings keep Alexanroupoli alive and its people stay here. If such efforts continue, things will be much better in the future.
