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The Eurobank Group

General information about DAC6 (Directive on Administrative Cooperation)

Directive (EU) 2018/822
L. 4714/2020 and L. 4170/2013
Scope within the EU
member states
of personal data

On 25.06.2018, the directive (EU) (widely known as DAC6) which amended the directive 2011/17/EU, concerning mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements, entered into force.

The said directive was transposed into Greek law pursuant to L. 4714/2020, which amended L. 4170/2013. By virtue of the aforementioned legislative framework and under the conditions set out within this framework, the Bank under its capacity as intermediary is obliged to file certain specific information that is explicitly stated in L. 4170/2013, article 9AB, paragraph 13, concerning reportable cross-border arrangements, which (information) is within the Bank’s knowledge, possession or control, with the competent national authority, that is the  International Economic Relations Directorate of the Ministry of Finance, which will further communicate the said information, by means of an automatic exchange, to the competent authorities of all other EU member states.

It should be mentioned that the issuance of the relevant guidelines by the competent authorities is still pending.

More information and/or the relevant legislation texts concerning DAC6 can be found at the web page of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, in particular at the section concerning DAC6 automatic exchange of information.