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The European Banking Federation and Europol have launched a public awareness campaign on money muling scams. We are participating actively in the campaign to prevent this illegal activity.

What are money mules

Money mules are people who transfer illegally obtained money between different payment accounts, very often in different countries, while earning a commission payment.

Money muling is an illegal activity as it allows organised crime groups to launder and move funds around the world easily. It also helps to foster the cycle of criminal activity, such as drug dealing, human trafficking and online fraud.

What to watch out for

Criminals try to dupe innocent victims by making seemingly legitimate job offers. This way they use them as money laundering middlemen, covering their tracks.

They recruit their victims with various methods, such as online postings, social media adverts or direct contact through email or messaging apps.

So be wary of adverts that are poorly written with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

If you believe you have been involved in a money muling scam, contact us immediately and alert the police.

According to Europol, ignorance is no excuse.

Find out how you can protect yourself against money muling scams.

How to find out more

For further information about money muling: