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Georgios Gontikas was the founder of Euromerchant Bank, which later became Eurobank. His archives include talks, presentations, mail, minutes from meetings and institutional texts on the structure and operation of Euromerchant Bank and Eurobank. It covers the period 1988-2005.

The archive sections

Euromerchant Bank (1988-1996)

  • Founding preparations, reports, studies, approvals and Articles of Association.
  • Plans and mail on the operation of the bank.

Greek and foreign banks (1988-2000)

  • Annual reports, presentations and studies.

Alico Eurobank MFMC (1992, 1996-2000)

  • Constitutional documents, regulations and organisational documents.
  • Annual reports and presentations.

Mail (1990-2005)

  • Incoming and outgoing mail.

Committee meetings (1998-2002)

  • Eurobank committee meeting agenda items.

Eurobank financial results (1993-2002)

  • Budgets and annual reports.
  • Financial reports and presentations.
  • Business plans.

Presentations (1991-2002)

  • Eurobank Division presentations.
  • Business Advisor presentations. 

Personal items of Georgios Gontikas (1990-2002)

  • Talks, presentations and press clippings.
  • Documents from private entities and educational institutes.

About Georgios Gontikas

Georgios Gontikas was the founder of Euromerchant Bank (1990), which later became Eurobank.

He was born in Patra, Greece, in 1920. He graduated from the Athens College in 1938. He completed his postgraduate studies at the School of Public Administration and Government, Harvard University. From 1949 to 1963 he worked for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). He took over as CEO at the National Investment Bank for Industrial Development (ETEVA) from 1964 to 1982. He also served as consultant for development banks in Europe, South America and Africa, as well as various Greek companies. He was appointed CEO of Euromerchant Bank in 1990. He then became Chairman of the Eurobank Board of Directors from 1995 to 2000, when he was given the title of Honorary Chairman of the Bank. He passed away in 2015.