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Follow the career opportunities at the Eurobank Group. Find the one that interests you and read its requirements. Complete and send us your application along with your CV and prepare for your interview. Find out how to spark our interest.

Your CV

Your CV is the first impression we form about you. We are interested in understanding right away how your previous work experience is relevant with the job you are interested in:

  • What were your previous roles and duties?
  •  What knowledge and skills did you gain?
  • What abilities do you have that make you the most qualified candidate for the position?

Read the 5+1 tips for your CV.

Your application

Complete all fields with your personal details. Upload your CV. You may complete the optional fields regarding education and work experience. Respond to the mandatory questions that follow. We want to understand:

  • Why do you want to work for Eurobank?
  • How can you advance later on?

Your cover letter

If you wish, you can complete the field with a brief cover letter comprising 1 to 2 paragraphs. We are interested in learning about your objectives in this letter:

  • Why are you interested in the specific position?
  • What do you think you can offer us?

Your interview

If you meet the requirements for the position, we contact you immediately and invite you for an interview. At the interview, we are interested in assessing:
  • What abilities do you have vis-a-vis the requirements for the position?
  • Do you display the professionalism we desire?
  • Are you compatible with our team at the Eurobank Group?
  • Do we share common values?
  • What are your interests?

To prepare properly, we recommend that you find out all about Eurobank:

We mainly rely on your CV when asking questions during the interview. In addition, through hypothetical employment scenarios from simulation exercises, we test your skills in situations similar to those of the position you are interested in.

Your opportunity

The interview is your opportunity to find out more about the position. Prepare the questions you would like to ask.

  • What is the work environment like?
  • What are the opportunities for advancement at Eurobank?
  • What else are you interested in finding out first?
  • What would you like us to learn about you that may not be evident from your CV?

We would be happy to answer any questions and clarify any concerns you may have.

Find out how to prepare for a successful interview.