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In risk management we try to minimise the exposure of Eurobank to credit, operational and market risk. During credit analysis, we process loan applications and decide on whether to approve them or not.

The role of our employees

In the risk management sector our employees develop models that measure operational, financial and credit risk.

They monitor the risk arising for the portfolio of Eurobank from changes in exchange rates, interest, interest rates and other external factors. They analyse all potential risks for current and new products.

In the credit analysis sector they analyse the financial data of customers to identify the credit risk for each loan application. They check and update the credit approval limits and assess the approved loan applications.

Basic skills

Our people have specialised knowledge regarding financial and credit analysis. They are familiar with the market conditions and get updated on issues concerning the broader economic environment in Greece and abroad. They specialise in the investment market and are familiar with the rules of product trading.

They use modern applications to analyse numerical and financial data. Armed with this knowledge, they assess the credit rating of private and business customers.

They identify potential risks for Eurobank and its customers. They take measures to minimise these risks. They effectively convey all relevant issues to interested parties.

Career opportunities

Find out if there are any career opportunities currently available in risk management and credit analysis at Eurobank.