Our Policy
We have developed a Water Management Policy with the aim of managing water in a responsible manner, through optimal use of natural resources and saving.
Our Policy is part of our Environmental Management System, which complies with ISO 14001.
Read the Statement on the Water Management Policy.
Water saving measures
Monitoring consumption
We monitor and measure our water consumption. This way, we can identify any significant or abnormal water consumptions, such as possible leaks.
Water-cooled air conditioning system
We have installed water-cooled air conditioning systems in the Eurobank branches and offices. These consume less water than conventional systems. As a result, we reduce our water consumption.
Water flow regulation
We have adjusted the water flow in the Eurobank branches and offices. As a result, we reduce the average volume of water consumed by each of our employees.
Rainwater irrigation
Where possible, we use rainwater to water our outdoor plants. We have also replaced high water-use plants with water-wise plants. As a result we use less water when watering.