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With the Go International Business Delegation Programme we help Greek businesses unlock their exporting potential. Taking advantage of Eurobank’s presence in SE Europe, we enable exporters to penetrate new markets and attract foreign buyers. Through delegations in Greece and abroad we underpin our national strategy for exports in partnership with 3 major export associations in Greece and other bodies.

We support Greek exporters

With the Go International Business Delegation Programme we bring Greek exporters in contact with foreign importers.

Every Business Delegation includes:

  • Β2Β meetings, with the aim of striking win-win partnerships.
  • Business forums that include representatives from the Greek state, the host country, the business community and the media.

We implement the Go International initiative in partnership with the leading exporting and other associations in Greece, such as:

  • Panhellenic Exporters Association (PEA)
  • Greek International Business Association (SEVE)
  • Exporters’ Association of Crete (EAC)
  • Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV)
  • Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE)

The Go International Business Delegation Programme is supported by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What we have accomplished so far

Since 2010 we have organised 8 Go International Business Delegations in Bucharest, Romania 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus 2011, Belgrade, Serbia 2011, Bucharest, Romania 2012, Moscow, Russia 2013, Athens, Greece 2016, Crete, Greece 2017 and Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018.

In over 13,000 B2B meetings, we have brought together:

  • 740 Greek exporting businesses.
  • 1,070 buyers from 37 foreign countries – Russia, China, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Romania, Serbia, Cyprus, Poland, Iraq, Croatia, Hungary, Jordan, Bosnia, Slovenia, Moldova, Montenegro, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, USA, Finland, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Thailand, Malaysia, Morocco, S. Africa.

Go in Thessaloniki 2018

For 2018, we chose Thessaloniki to host the 8th Go International Business Delegation from 12 to 14 of November. Thessaloniki is the business and commercial metropolis of the North, as well as a key transportation and trade hub for SE Europe.

Top executives from 14 banking groups located in over 50 countries participated in Go in Thessaloniki 2018.

More than 3,000 B2B meetings took place during the event. Greek exporting companies had the opportunity to meet with prominent potential international buyers from the agricultural, food and beverage sectors.

Find out more about Go in Thessaloniki 2018 business delegation.

Go in Crete 2017

Crete hosted the 7th Go International Business Delegation on 25 and 26 May 2017.

Executives and companies from 22 countries as well as over 100 Greek exporters participated in Go in Crete 2017.

More than 2,430 B2B meetings took place between Greek and foreign entrepreneurs from the agricultural, food and beverage, and natural cosmetic sectors.

Find out more about Go in Crete 2017 business delegation.

Go in Athens 2016

The 6th Go International Business Delegation was hosted in Athens from 21 to 23 March 2016.

Over 50 international buyers from 11 countries and 100 Greek exporters participated in Go in Athens 2016.

More than 1,400 B2B meetings took place between Greek and foreign entrepreneurs from the agricultural, food and beverage, and natural cosmetic sectors.

Find out more about Go in Athens 2016 business delegation.

We build on our values

We contribute to the national strategy for Greek exports with the Go International Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. We believe that:

  • “Greece needs a strong export chain that goes beyond the primary sector, manufacturing, tourism, transports, the financial system and the official state.”
  • “It's the right time for banks to undertake powerful initiatives, breaking the vicious cycle of introversion and idleness.”
  • “We can make a substantial and effective contribution towards kick-starting production in Greece.”

We carry on strong

We create all the more opportunities to boost Greek exports. We help exporting businesses:

  • Penetrate foreign markets through the Go International Business Delegation Programme.
  • Network internationally and keep up to date through