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Five new products of the Eurostructures series

Five new products of the “Eurostructures” series, with full capital protection at maturity are offered by EFG Eurobank Ergasias Private Banking to investors from the 20th until the 27th * of May.
Five new products of the “Eurostructures” series, with full capital protection at maturity are offered by EFG Eurobank Ergasias Private Banking to investors from the 20th until the 27th * of May.
The new products have the following features:
  • Acropolis (EUR or USD): A three-year investment denominated in Euro or in USD, the minimum invested amount being EUR 10.000 or USD 10,000 respectively. 50% of the initial capital is invested in six 6-month time deposits with predetermined interest rates for each period. The remaining 50% of the amount is invested in a three-year capital-guaranteed product with a minimum of 4.5% and a maximum of 40% return linked to 15 international blue chips.
  • Acropolis Interest Rates
    6-Month PeriodEUR Interest Rate (annualised)USD Interest Rate (annualised)
    The accruing interest (net of tax, where applicable) will be credited at the end of every 6-month period to the investor’s account.
  • Oil Reset Range: A Euro-denominated 6-month investment. The minimum invested amount is EUR 10,000. The return of the investment is 7% annualised and depends on the variation of the Crude Oil Future (Jan03 contract).
  • EUR/USD Shark Fin: A Euro-denominated 12-month investment. The minimum invested amount is EUR 10,000. The return of the investment at maturity is depended on the depreciation of the Dollar against the Euro.
  • Global Ranges: A Euro-denominated 18-month investment. The minimum invested amount is EUR 10,000. The return of the investment at maturity is 14% and depends on the variation of four Underlying values (EUR/USD, 3M Euribor, Gold, Crude Oil). The new products are available, in order of request, at the Private Banking Units as well as the 330 branches of Eurobank and Ergasias network all over Greece.
    Note: for the ACROPOLIS (USD III) registration period extends to May 28th