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EFG Eurobank Ergasias

The approval, today, of the Draft Merger Agreement with Ergobank by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of EFG Eurobank represents a further step in the legal merger process of the two banks.
The approval, today, of the Draft Merger Agreement with Ergobank by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of EFG Eurobank represents a further step in the legal merger process of the two banks.
The name of the merged banking institution will, according to a decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting, be EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. The Extraordinary General Meeting held today approved all the items on the agenda which, in addition to the approval of the merger and the bank΄s new name, included:
  • The change in the nominal value of the share from GRD 500 to GRD 850;
  • The election of the new Board of Directors of EFG Eurobank Ergasias. Mr. George Gondicas will retain the post of Chairman until the full legal merger, whereupon the Chairmanship will be assumed by Mr Xenophon Nikitas. Mr Gondicas, following his valued contribution to the development of EFG Eurobank, will stay on as honourary chairman, member of the Board of Directors of EFG Eurobank Ergasias and member of the Board of Directors of the parent organisation EFG Consolidated Holdings. Mr Nicholas Nanopoulos remains Managing Director, while the other members of the Board of Directors will be: Messrs. F. Antonatos, E. Bussetil, L. Efraimoglou, Tessen von Heydebreck, N. Karamouzis, H. Kyrkos, Mrs Marianna Latsis, Messrs. Spiros Latsis, Bernd Albrecht von Maltzan, V. Ballis, A. Bibas, K. Nasikas, X. Nikitas, S. Papaderos, N. Pavlides, P. Petalas, Ch. Sorotos, S. Fafalios.
    An Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Ergobank will be convened this afternoon to discuss a single-item agenda, namely the merger with EFG Eurobank.