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Proposal of Dividend Payment for the Financial Year 2005

The Board of Directors of EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. decided at its meeting today to propose the payment of a total dividend of € 0.90 per share for the fiscal year 2005 to the upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which is scheduled to convene on April 3, 2006. This constitutes an increase of 25% against the total dividend paid for the fiscal year 2004 and compares with the initial target set by the Bank’s management for Dividend Per Share growth of 15%. It is noted that Eurobank EFG has already paid to its Shareholders an interim dividend for the fiscal year 2005 of € 0.36 per share.

The Board of Directors also decided to propose to the AGM the distribution of 2 bonus shares for each 10 existing.

The financial results of Eurobank EFG for the full year 2005 will be announced on February 16, after the end of the session of the Athens Stock Exchange.