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The egg - enter•grοw•go program, organized, for a second time, the "egg Investor Day", bringing together twelve (12) egg business groups with investors.

The twelve (12) egg startup companies, representing all cycles of Egg - enter•grοw•go and  operating in sectors with strong dynamics such as tourism, ICT and Fintech industry, agro - business, e-commerce and logistics channels, presented their companies and their  prospects to potential investors, during a special event which was hosted at egg's premises.

The presentation was attended by representatives of large Greek companies, customers of Eurobank, who are interested in participating as business angels in startup companies, and by representatives of funds that are active in the Greek market. Among them were six (6) funds of EquiFund, the investment platform that invests in startups and operates under the auspices of the European Investment Fund (EIF). 
Eurobank Equities’ representatives also attended the presentation in view of the activation of the Equity Crowd Funding Portal platform in the first half of 2018, through which young businesses will be able to search for funding.

Linking startup egg companies to the real economy and securing financial resources is at the center  of the strategy of egg’s 6th cycle, that was announced on February 15, 2018 by Eurobank and Corallia who designed and have been implementing egg - enter • grow • go since 2013. 
With the launch of egg’s 6thcycle a comprehensive package of financing options will be available for young entrepreneurs. At the same time the criteria for entering the 6th cycle are improved according to the corresponding international systems.

The comprehensive package of financing options includes:

  1. Funding under the European EASI program in co-operation with AFI (Action Finance Initiative).
  2. Capital and long-term loans from Eurobank.
  3. Funding through two funds of EquiFund, in which Eurobank intends to participate.
  4. Funding through the Equity Crowd Funding Portal of Eurobank Equities which is going to be activated soon.
  5. Business teams can be further supported through Eurobank’s money award.