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Set up your remote office in one of the most inspiring destinations in the world. Live in Greece and enjoy all the benefits of the Greek way of life and make the most of your remote working status. Contact us to find out how we can assist you with custom banking solutions and other services with additional benefits.

How to become a Digital Nomad in Greece

To qualify for a Digital Nomad Visa, you should:

  • Be self-employed registered abroad, or a salaried employee working remotely for an employer outside Greece.

You only need to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa at the Greek consular authority in your country of residence, by email or registered mail. Once approved, your residence permit is issued by the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum.

If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, you do not need to apply for a Visa. You already have the right to enter and move freely within Greece.

How you benefit as a Digital Nomad

Once you get your Digital Nomad Visa, you can work remotely from Greece, while enjoying the Greek quality of life.

Under the Digital Nomad status, you:

  • Get a 2-year residence permit in Greece, with the option to renew it for every 2 years, as long as you keep meeting the eligibility criteria.
  • Get residence permits for your entire family, as long as you meet the higher minimum income criterion of €3,500 (+20% for spouse and +15% for each child).
  • Pay no taxes to the Greek State, if you stay in Greece for less than 183 days per year.

However, the Digital Nomad Visa does not provide you with the right to work for a Greek employer or start a business in Greece.

How to make the most of your time in Greece

Staying and working remotely in Greece offers you flexibility and a wide range of options to:

  • Enjoy the Greek way of life. Discover why Greece is the best place to be a Digital Nomad.
  • Live in a big city, such as Athens, Thessaloniki or Kalamata, or opt for an island, such as Crete or Syros.
  • Find the accommodation option that best suits you: hotels, short-term or long-term rentals, co-living options etc.
  • Become member of the Digital Nomad Community at your place of stay.

Find out what 10 popular destinations in Greece have to offer to Digital Nomads.

How we help you

We have launched a series of services and bespoke solutions to help our Digital Nomad customers from across the globe meet their banking and relocation needs, and settle in smoothly in Greece.

One-stop hub for all your needs

You may choose from a wide range of services and solutions, designed exclusively for our international customers. We work with reputable third-parties to help you meet all your needs at a single service point.

As a one-stop hub, we provide you with:

  • Custom banking products and services, including current account, debit card and e-Banking credentials.
  • Insurance products, through Eurolife FFH and Designia Insurance Brokers.
  • Third-party tax consulting services.
  • Third-party digital solutions to find accommodation.
  • Settling-in packages for remote workers in Greece.
  • Instant access to in-depth economic insights.

Find out what our one-stop hub has to offer to you.

Customer service beyond borders

To overcome borders, distances and travel restrictions, we provide you with digital customer onboarding: οpen an account with us online from your mobile, provided you live and work in, and have an ID or passport issued by a country participating in PRADO.

Get in touch

Fill in our contact form to find out more about the products and services we offer to Digital Nomads.

Contact us

The above information under no circumstances constitutes advice or service of a fiscal or investment nature, or is it sufficient for making fiscal or investment decisions.