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At the 115 Years of the Greek Postal Savings Bank Exhibition, the Greek Postal Savings Bank employees section documents the working life of the Bank’s employees. It includes exhibits from their daily professional activities.

Working conditions in the interwar years

In the interwar period the Greek Postal Savings Bank employees were among the hardest working employees in the public sector. Tuberculosis infection was common among them. Their treatment was financed to a great extent by the Greek Postal Savings Bank.


Senior and middle management executives of the Greek Postal Savings Bank were more qualified and better educated than most civil servants. They also earned more.

Trade unions against the German occupation

In the Greco-Italian war (1940-1941) almost a third of the employees were called into arms.

During the German occupation the employees of the Greek Postal Savings Bank took part in major protests and strikes, joining other public and private sector employees. Survival was their major demand. Therefore, they founded a special credit and consumer cooperative.

Post-war restructuring

After WWII the Greek Postal Savings Bank workforce changed. The incorporation of the Greek Postal Savings Bank in the Code of Civil Servants as well as the transfer of employees from other civic services played an important role in these changes.