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Our corporate governance strategy is built on policies that ensure the integrity and transparency of our operations. We track our performance and link our activities to international ratings and benchmarks, and report all results in a transparent manner. We have strict mechanisms in place to ensure no monetary losses, business disruption or data breaches.

Our governance performance at a glance

Board of Directors, corporate governance principles and system

Our business decisions are linked to environmental sustainability, social responsibility and corporate governance through our ESG strategy.

Corporate governance

Transparency, integrity, credibility and accountability are fundamental corporate governance principles within our modern corporate and social environment. These principles define how we achieve our goals, and govern the organisation and our operations. They reflect our values and ensure equal treatment for the interests of shareholders and of all other stakeholders.

In order to ensure constant and optimal implementation of the corporate governance principles throughout the scope of our business, we have set up a Group Company Secretariat Sector, which:

  • Determines the management, operational and control framework of Eurobank and the Eurobank Group subsidiaries.
  • Ensures that each framework is implemented correctly.
  • Notifies the competent supervisory authorities, in compliance with the legislation in force.

Eurobank has adopted the Hellenic Corporate Governance Code of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council.

Code of conduct

We design policies and procedures that promote ethics, conduct and best practices. Group Compliance sets the standards of the Eurobank Code of Conduct and Ethics. The Code applies to the human resources of the entire Eurobank Group and provides the framework for the principles, rules, conduct and decisions that our people ought to follow during their professional engagement. 

Compliance monitors adherence to the Code of Conduct and Ethics with the aim to identify potential conflicts of interest, bribery, corruption or other unusual transactions. The Ethics Committee ensures compliance with the Code of Conduct and Ethics and reports to the CEO.

Committees and Senior Management Bodies

The Board of Directors is assisted in carrying out its duties by Board Committees, to which it delegates some of its responsibilities, and approves their mandate and composition.

The CEO also forms Committees to assist him, discharging to them duties and responsibilities.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors operates guided by our vision, our values and the standards we adopt. It is collectively responsible for the long-term success of Eurobank.

Internal and external audit

An Internal Audit Group has been formed as an independent, objective assurance and consulting unit, designed to add value and improve the operations of Eurobank. Its primary role is to assist the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee by providing reasonable assurance, in the form of independent opinion, as to the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of the internal control framework of Eurobank.

Every year, the Annual General Meeting of shareholders assigns the statutory audit of the Bank’s annual financial statements to certified auditors. To safeguard the independence of external auditors, we consistently implement an external auditor independence policy and a tendering process policy.

Group compliance

Group compliance operates independently from the business units, and reports to the Audit Committee for operational issues and to the CEO for administrative issues. Its goal is to ensure that Eurobank and all its subsidiaries comply with the applicable legal and regulatory framework. It also sets the standards for the internal Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Data security and business continuity

To prevent monetary losses, business disruption and data breaches, we have designed strict policies and mechanisms and we adhere to them.

Risk management

We understand that risk undertaking is an integral part of our operations, in order to meet strategic and business objectives. To this end, we have established adequate mechanisms to identify and monitor these risks in a timely manner and assess their potential impact on meeting our corporate objectives. The risk management policies we adopt are in line with the international best practices.

Safeguarding client data and transactions

We take all necessary steps to safeguard client data. We ensure that the processing of any personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as well as by the provisions of the relevant Greek and EU legislation on personal data protection.

By implementing modern safety protocols and cutting-edge technology, we protect all transactions carried out through the Eurobank systems.

Find out how we safeguard your transactions.

Business continuity

We have a Business Continuity Statement and Disaster Recovery Plans in place, which outline how we manage the operational risks that may arise due to unforeseen circumstances or extreme conditions.