Having as a primary goal the support of savings of Greek households, that according to official data present the lowest percentage (i.e.16,1% of GDP) among the Euro zone countries, where the average percentage rate reached the 19,6%,
Evaluating all the above circumstances,
The “Mega Savings Account” constitutes a new savings account that offers the highest interest rate of the market, that is 3% from the first deposited Euro, irrespectively of the total amount deposited and free of any imposed charges and fees. In parallel to that, the depositor is having his/her money available whenever needed and preserves the high interest rate under the condition that no more than 3 debit transactions will take place each month.
The rapid increase of the needs of Greek households, in conjunction to the low interest rates in Savings Accounts had resulted in the decline, since January 2006, of the amounts deposited in Savings Accounts in
The “Mega Savings Account” is targeted to complement in the best possible way
By having a broad, second in size and national coverage branch and ATM’s network, by providing the flexibility of banking transaction during afternoons and Saturdays via the 10 selected branches in Athens and Thessaloniki, and through the Europhone and E-Banking services,