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Bancpost, member of Eurobank EFG Group, expands with new activities in the pension fund management sector in Romania

A subsidiary bearing the name Bancpost Fond De Pensii which focuses exclusively on the private management of the employees’ pension contributions in Romania was established by Bancpost, member of the Eurobank EFG Group. The new company commenced its activities on 17 September 2007.

Romania is one of the first European Union member states to implement a management system of part of the employees’ pension contributions in accordance with the second Pillar. Within that framework, it assigned the management of employees’ contributions to properly authorized private enterprises in an effort to maximize the return on their funds.

Utilizing the above new institutional framework, Bancpost Fond De Pensii is aimed at ensuring high return rates, while at the same time catering for the individual needs of each client, thus maximizing the synergies and the international know-how of the Eurobank EFG Group in the provision of financial services. In its effort, the company has utilized the know-how of the Group’s subsidiary in Greece, EFG Eurolife Insurance, one of the largest private pension companies in the Greek market.

The Eurobank EFG Group is a leader in the banking market of Romania, where Bancpost has a network of 246 branches and employs 3900 specialized executives.