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Eurobank is named among Financial Times’ Europe's Climate Leaders. The prestigious international newspaper included the Bank along with the companies that stand out at a pan-European level for their performance regarding environmental protection.

More specifically, Financial Times published a list of the 600 European-based companies with a minimum revenue of at least €40 million in 2022 that have achieved the largest reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity and have taken further climate commitments. The analysts evaluated companies for transparent reporting of Scope 1 and Scope for the period 2017-2022, for the annual reduction of emissions intensity of at least 3% over the 5-year period between 2017 and 2022, for their CDP score and for the transparent reporting of Scope 3 for 2022.

Eurobank's inclusion in the list of the top European companies for environmental protection initiatives reflects the Bank's commitment to undertaking actions that effectively promote sustainability aiming at collective well-being.

Eurobank implements a series of initiatives aiming at the environmental protection and sustainability. In addition, the Bank actively participates in internationally recognised sustainability ratings to highlight the continuous improvement of its environmental, social and governance performance, upgrade of the relevant disclosures and further enhance investor confidence in its practices.

It is worth mentioning that the Bank posted in 2023 significant improvements compared to 2022 in important sustainability ratings, such as CDP where it improved by 2 notches from D to B.

It is notable that Eurobank is the first Greek bank to have received for the second consecutive year the prestigious Best Bank for Sustainable Finance in Greece 2024 award by the internationally renowned Global Finance magazine, which ranks it among the best performing banks worldwide in sustainable finance.

More on Eurobank's distinctions here.