Equitable access to e-Banking options
Today you can sign up to e-Banking without barriers. Access this secure environment 24/7 to:
- Open and manage your accounts. Keep track of your account balance and activity. Download your e-Statements.
- Carry out your transactions, such as payments or fund transfers. Set up favourite transactions and link them to your contacts. Sign off business transactions.
- Monitor your spending, tax deductions and cashback rewards from the €pistrofi loyalty programme.
- Get products online or log in to get cards, loans or insurance you applied for over the phone at a branch.
- Make investment transactions in shares, bonds and mutual funds, and manage your portfolio.
- Set up notifications to keep track of activity in your accounts, cards, loans and other products.
- Set limits to your transactions and cards. Control which types of transactions you want to allow with each card.
- Update your details without coming to a branch. Download documents you might need for tax or other purposes.
Accessibility audits and remediation
We are making every effort for e Banking to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, level ΑA. We want to empower you to:
- Navigate easily where you want using your screen reader, keyboard, voice navigation or other assistive technologies.
- Understand and fill in the necessary fields to carry out transactions, get products and services, and manage your finances.
- Complete your tasks without running into barriers or having to rely on someone else.
Accessibility to the Eurobank Mobile App
We constantly monitor and improve the Eurobank Mobile App sections so that you can:
- Get your finances under control. On the dashboard you can view your total account balance with the amounts paid in and paid out over the last month.
- Carry out transactions. Find the transactions you want in a flash, such as money transfers, payments or loading and IRIS Payments. Initiate new transactions through your contacts.
- Manage your cards. You can directly activate, pay and change the settings of your cards.
- Get products. Discover products you are interested in and get them in a few simple steps.
Get the Eurobank Mobile App on your mobile for free
Download the Eurobank Mobile App for free:
Get your Eurobank Mobile App login credentials online. You just need:
- An active Eurobank debit or credit card in your name
- A mobile phone number registered with Eurobank
Connection with a representative for people with disabilities
When you call EuroPhone Banking, you are greeted by the automated voice portal. To get priority service, you just need to say: I am a customer with disability.
On the other end of the line, whenever you need us
EuroPhone Banking is available 24/7 all year round.
- If you are an individual customer, call us on +302109555000.
- If you are a business customer, call us on +302109555222.
- If you are a Personal Banking customer, call us on +302109555111.
Find out all your options with EuroPhone Banking.
Transactions over the phone
The automated voice portal guides you to carry out several transactions. It asks you to say or fill in:
The number of an active Eurobank card in your name
2 of the 4 digits of your EuroPhone Banking PIN
The details of the transaction you want to carry out
Your EuroPhone Banking PIN
To get a EuroPhone Banking PIN, you need to have an active Eurobank card in your name and know its number. The process can be carried out:
- Over the phone – as long as you have registered your phone number and address with Eurobank and your details are up-to-date. You will receive your EuroPhone Banking PIN by post.
- At a branch – You choose your EuroPhone Banking PIN on the spot.
Contactless transactions with your card or mobile
Our ΑΤΜs also allow you to carry out contactless transactions using your card or mobile phone. For contactless identification, hold your card close to the card reader located to the right of the keypad.
See what your options are with Eurobank ΑΤΜs.
Make an appointment at any branch
Book an appointment online on our website. Choose a service, branch, date and time for your appointment. Note anything else we need to know to be able to serve you better.
Priority service
Our branches provide priority service to people with disabilities.
Our people have been trained to provide you with priority service. Let us know as soon as you come into the branch. It is a good idea to carry a certificate confirming your disability.
Safeguarding your transactions in line with applicable procedures
If you are unable to sign due to mobility disability, our branch activities include procedures to ensure your own safety and the validity of your transactions.
Specifically, you need one witness to:
- Start banking with Eurobank. The witness will read out to you our General Transaction Terms and the Payment Services Directive (PSD), so that you can start banking with us.
- Monetary transactions. You must verbally request any transaction you want to carry out. Two branch employees make sure you have been informed in full about the terms of the transaction.
- e-Banking sign-up
- Eurobank products and services
Accessibility to our new generation branches
Our Future Branches include dedicated, wheelchair accessible working areas, where we can work together in privacy and comfort.
Accessibility studies
A large part of eurobank.gr has been designed based on the WCAG 2.1, level ΑΑ. For example:
- Main navigational pages
- Product and service pages
- Contact forms
- FAQs
Ongoing improvement
We’re constantly improving our content, so that you can:
- Get comprehensive information on Eurobank products and services, and new functionalities that make your day-to-day life simpler, as well as find out more about Eurobank.
- Understand the steps you need to follow to get products you need, such as debit or credit cards, loans, insurance or investment products.
- Contact us using the method that is most convenient for you.
Adjusting your device settings
For better accessibility on eurobank.gr, you can also change the settings on your computer or mobile phone, e.g. browse with keypad and shortcuts, activate voice recognition, adjust mouse or touchpad speed.
See how to adjust your accessibility settings according to your device or accessibility needs.
Take part in our surveys
If you suffer from paralysis, muscular dystrophy or another condition impairing your mobility or dexterity, help us improve Eurobank’s online accessibility for you.
We invite you to take part in our surveys: Join the UX Accessibility for All team (available only in Greek).
Our studies and tests are carried out online or one-to-one in our specially designed facilities. You choose how you want to participate.
Share accessibility issues with us
Do you have any ideas on how we can provide better customer service to people with disabilities? Have you met with some difficulty or is something not working as you expected? Let us know.
Share your thoughts with us and help us deliver better services for the mobility impaired.