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The Eurobank Board of Directors manages the Bank and is the Eurobank Group business leader. It serves its role efficiently, in compliance with Greek legislation. It employs international best practices.

Long-term aims

The Eurobank Board of Directors operates guided by our vision, our values and the standards we adopt. It is collectively responsible for the long-term success of Eurobank. The Board of Directors:

  • Sets the strategic aims of the Eurobank Group. To achieve them, it secures the necessary financial and human resources.
  • Assesses the potential risks and manages them sensibly and efficiently.
  • Ensures that its members act for the greater benefit of the Eurobank Group and fulfil their institutional duties. It assesses the performance of the Management in consistency with the Board and Board Committees Evaluation Policy Eurobank follows and offers guidance to the Group human resources.
  • Ensures that the Group meets its commitments towards shareholders and third parties.
  • Decides on issues relating to managing the Bank and its assets, achieving its aims, and representing it before the courts and in out-of-court settlements. The only issues excluded are those that fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of the General Meeting.

Integrity and credibility

The duties of the Eurobank Board members are clearly separated. The Chairman and the CEO cannot be the same person.

The executive directors of the BoD:

  • Implement the BoD strategy.
  • Monitor the operation of the Group.
  • Take care of daily management issues.

The non-executive directors of the BoD:

  • Promote and safeguard the interests of the Bank.
  • Assist in developing strategic proposals, by exercising constructive criticism.
  • Approve and review the Remuneration Policy of Eurobank and the Group and oversee its implementation.

The independent non-executive directors of the BoD may submit independent reports to the General Meeting, either jointly or individually.

Equal representation

The Eurobank Board of Directors consists of 3 to 20 members, who comply with the Board Member Diversity Policy and the Nomination Policy of the Directors Eurobank follows.

The supreme governing body of Eurobank, the General Meeting, is responsible for appointing the BoD members. The General Meeting:

  • Appoints the BoD members and decides on their office term, in line with the legislation and the Articles of Association.
  • Appoints the independent non-executive directors.
  • Appoints alternate directors to the Board of Directors to replace those who resign, pass away or are relieved of their duties.
  • Decides on any issue that concerns the Bank.

View the composition of the Board of Directors.

Consistent procedures

The Eurobank Board of Directors convenes regularly every 3 months and extraordinarily whenever required by the law or our needs.

  • In Greece, it convenes in municipalities within the prefectures of Attica, Thessaloniki, Patra and Irakleio, Crete.
  • Abroad, it convenes in the capital cities of the European countries where the Bank operates or has a subsidiary.

The meetings take place at the Bank headquarters or via teleconference.

The BoD Secretary keeps the minutes of the meetings. The BoD members approve and sign them during subsequent meetings.

Independent assessment

Every 3 years an internationally acclaimed independent external advisor with experience and know-how may assess the performance of the Board of Directors and its committees. It recognises their strengths, identifies anything that could be improved, and proposes ways to boost efficiency in managing and overseeing Eurobank.